Rajat Talak

I am a Research Scientist in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I work in SPARKlab with Prof. Luca Carlone. 

My work is in the area of Robot Perception, Optimization and Learning, Autonomous Systems, and Communication Networks. See my Google Scholar Page

If you want to discuss research or potential collaboration, you can reach me at talak@mit.edu. Happy to connect with you via LinkedIn. 


Oct/Nov 2024: Teaching VNAV: Visual Navigation for Autonomous Vehicles. [MIT OCW].

14 Oct 2024: Long Horizon Autonomy Workshop at IROS 2024 [Workshop Link].

17 July 2024: Safe Autonomy Workshop at RSS 2024 [Workshop Link].

30 June 2024: Accepted at IROS: "Test-Time Certifiable Self-Supervision to Bridge the Sim2Real Gap in Event-Based Satellite Pose Estimation" Authors: Mohsi Jawaid, Rajat Talak, Yasir Latif, Luca Carlone, and Tat-Jun Chin. 

17-21 June 2024: At CVPR 2024 in Seattle, WA. 

10 June 2024: Deadline Extended for Safe Autonomy Workshop at RSS 2024 [Workshop Link].

11 May - 10 June 2024: Visiting India after five years! Visiting ~9 Universities to see Research Activities in Robotics and Computer Vision.

30 Mar 2024: Organizing Safe Autonomy Workshop at RSS 2024 [Workshop Link].

29 Mar 2024: Talk at Reliable Autonomous Systems Lab (REALM), MIT.

11 Mar 2024: Talk at Laboratory for Information & Decision Systems (LIDS), MIT.

16 Feb 2024: Invited Talk at the University of Michigan.  

14 Feb 2024: Pre-print release: "Safe Distributed Control of Multi-Robot Systems with Communication Delays" [arXiv].

26 Jan 2024: Associate Editor for IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.

05 Jan 2024: Accepted at Int. J Robotic Research: "Foundations of Spatial Perception for Robotics: Hierarchical Representations and Real-time Systems." [arXiv][YouTube][GitHub

01 Dec 2023: Invited Talk: "Steps Towards Networked Autonomy" at ACM Goa Professional Chapter [YouTube][Website]. 

15 Nov 2023: Guest Lectures at VNAV. You can access the course at MIT OCW [Link].

13 Nov 2023: Serving as TPC member for the Age and Semantics of Information (ASoI) Workshop at INFOCOM 2024. 

04 Oct 2023: Co-Chairing a Session at IROS 2023.

04 Oct 2023: Paper Talk "Certifiable 3D Object Pose Estimation: Foundations, Learning Models, and Self-Training." [arXiv][IEEEXplore] at IROS 2023.

10 July 2023: Invited Talk: "Spatial Perception for Robotics: Representation, Structure, and Real-Time Systems" at RSS 2023 Workshop on Robot Scene Representations. [Workshop Link][YouTube]. 


talak@mit.edu, rajatalak@gmail.com 

MIT Office 31-219, 77  Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA